Friday was my last working day in the company I was working for. I got a really sweet
farewell from my friends.
The farewell gift was thoughtful - I got a dinner set - from the entire team...
It was really personal because my friends thought it out and gifted what I really needed and most importantly loved.
What stood out was the personal gifts I received from 2 of my friends - they were new to the corporate world and the project and both of them faced really tough times with the same guy I was working with.
I helped them out with their work and more importantly I made sure their dignity and self-esteem didn't get trampled all over.
They needed all the help and support one can give and one of them - she is still working with that goober (It's not a real word, but it actually describes him best!)
I didn't realize how much they meant to me till they gave me "thank-you" gifts.
I have a new table clock, which I will keep on my desk at my new work place and the other is poem SA wrote, saying "thank-you. Here's the poem he wrote:
When life gives you a raw deal,When you've just lost the zeal,When wounds do an over-time to heal,And you're lookin' for someone who can stealthe trauma away that you feelThere arises a noble soulShining brightly out of a tunnel dark as coalwho can pick up your piecesAnd put you back again wholeThank you Pixie for standin' up for me,when there was more than I could take...For getting me past the rough,more importantly A!!(LOL!)But we owe an ode to him,and a toast to Hobbes and Calvin,Else we wouldn't have bonded,And seen each other through the thick and thin!You rock!! As, you can see, the poem left me speechless and also let me realise that I DID actually help these guys and this satisfied feeling makes up for all the crap I saw and went through in these 2 years... This humbled me beyond words...
I want to thank my friends -
Shali, Che, M and Ne for being such great friends and for the awesome tea-breaks and conversations!!
I want to thank the poet - SA and
Shee for letting me help them and in turn letting me help myself by strengthening
my belief in honesty and hard work and friendship...
It's my turn to say - you guys rock!
I am now jobless, sitting at home, taking a break for now, so You guys can expect at least 2 posts in a day!! :-)(It's more of being in-between jobs)