My husband will be flying to the USA next weekend on work and he will be back in December… I have mixed feelings about the whole thing really…
I am very happy and proud of him…. (I know it’s not a big deal when everyone other person flying out these days, but it’s a first for us, so we are happy!)
But, I will miss him terribly… I have not been away from him for more than 15 days since the day we met – and that’s like 7 yrs ago!!!
Ever since we became friends, we have been together – went out together, did stuff together… even after marriage, he is still my first choice (I’m not talking about sis, parents here) to go out anywhere… if he doesn’t want to go, I have willingly postponed going out so that I have his company later on when we do go out…
I hate going out alone without him anywhere (again, parents and sis are not being mentioned here)
…. And now, for 3 months or more I have to manage everything (OK, almost everything!) alone…
I am not afraid of going out alone, but I am sad that I have to do it alone…
** To whom will I crib every night while cooking about the so-called inefficiencies of the people in my project?
** Most importantly, who will do the tasting and tell me each and every time that the food is great, but go ahead and add that extra pinch of salt!!?
** Who will give out my daily dose of vitamins after breakfast every morning and make sure I pop that calcium tablet in mouth so that I won’t have too many problems later on?
** I will miss his goofing around in the house, him, being everywhere, fiddling with this and that…
The house will be silent…
** With whom will I discuss/fight about the singers in Sa Re Ga Ma Pa? I will have to watch that on Friday and Saturday nights alone….
I will miss everything that there is about him…
This sucks…
One of my friends’ said, this is the time for me to do as I wish, but that didn’t register since he has never come in the way of me doing anything I want… he has always encouraged it…
This really sucks…
Damn! I will miss him and I wish December comes quickly….
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
14 hours ago