We had been on a vacation to Goa over the weekend and it was such great fun!!!
I have decided that after we retire and we have loads of money - we are going to settle there and buy a motor boat!!! I saw some real beauties out there!!!!
(an absolutely delightful dream na?!)
The highlight of the trip was the Dolphin point - where you are taken in a boat and they let you sight Dolphins playing out in the sea!!! I loved it!!! I also realised that I don't get sea sick - i get hungry when I am on a boat!!! The sea according to the owner of the boat (what do u call them? Skipper? captain??) was very choppy and we were very good sailors according to him!!! :-)
(You know I can't resist a good brag!!!)
The trip was great fun!!! We played on the beach, held hands and watched the sunset (Sigh... those were some beautiful moments...)
I'm back now - very refreshed and ready to tackle all the icky issues at work with a brave heart!!!
Photos, I will upload by the weekend... :-)
(You know what this means don't you?! Yup, we got Internet at home now!!!! YAY!!)
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
15 hours ago