This post is a non-thinking-simply-written posts...
I am bored and kind of depressed - I will put it down to year-end blues...
I liked 2007 - mainly because the numbers added up to 9! (I like the number 9 - that's why! duh!)
Now, 2008 is coming - and it looks very unsure - I knew what I wanted out of 2007 - not that what-all I wanted happened!! But, still...
I have a lot of work as well - trying to undo the crap done by another team mate and she is on a long leave... (i have a load of bad words in my head for this girl)
I wish I had the "License to Kill" like James Bond (he is very sexy...)
I also have a pounding headache, a very sore throat, bad cold and I am seeing double because of the pounding headache. Oh.. did I talking about the cough? No? Its bad - hacking cough is not good....
I also visited the passport office today, sat in the hot sun for 3 hrs to submit some forms which took exactly 5 minutes...
It's winter, there should be no hot-blazing sun. It wasn't so hot yesterday - but, today it was... Bah!
I tried squinting my eyes really hard and tried looking at the monitor - it pinches your cheeks and nothing else happens, except that you look really weird...
I really want to go home, curl up under my cosy blankets and sleep....
I also tried saying the alphabet backwards - nothing happened really, couldn't go beyong "w"
*this just shows I'm bored, in absolutely no mood to work or meet the deadline - which happens to be today*
I tried telling the truth - about a co-worker and how he harasses the others from onsite - how he abuses others by using bad language - no one believed me - even though couple of others have also complained.
Now, the people at onsite say I am a bad-worker (*sob*)
Very demotivating... should I quit and try another company? But, if I do that, will I be labelled as a quitter?
If I stay, everyday - I need to struggle to achieve something - I feel like a fish out of water...
I tell the truth - I hate sucking up to superiors and I believe in integrity - none of which seems to hold any value now-a-days...
Alright, I'm stopping now....
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
1 day ago
why don't you get a recorder and record his 'wise words' so that you can share it? Or if the others are not believing just coz they dont want to then it wouldn't help...
hey..that is so unfair!you should get your superiors to sit in on your interactions with him (phone calls, CCed emails, etc.) and then see if he still calls you a phony!
Don't quit ... I have seen this happen ... for reasons known only to them some people start behaving strangely once they are onsite. Try to get your managers involved in conversations with the mentioned person, also talk to your peers who have faced similar situations and approach higher management as a group.
Hi Pixie..
Don't quit at all..It happened may a times to me. I can understand what you feel. But try to sort it out.. We need to overcome and face it..
Take care and have a nice time
Aryan's Mom
Oh Pixie that sucks.
I think that there are times to suck it up and wade through the shit and there are times to throw in the towel and move on to bigger and better things and places where you are much more appreciated for your obvious brillance.
We have this one go round at this life, so in the life of Pixie do things that make you happy, and are the right things for you and your hubby, a miserable work life sometimes carries over into home.
Totally just my opinion and I have no doubt in my mind that you will do the exactly the right thing for you.
Good luck!
heyy... just read this... and yeah, it is so unfair! but don't quit coz of someone else. give it ur best shot - to prove that u're right... and if THAT doesn't work... then move on, maybe they don't deserve u!
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